Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ
Copyright and Fair Use Considerations
Version 1.04 (08-Oct-05)
Copyright © 1994-2021
Filip M. Gieszczykiewicz
Samuel M. Goldwasser
--- All Rights Reserved ---
For contact info, please see the
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Email Links Page.
Table of Contents
Material present on this Web site (the "FAQs") may include the
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ, Silicon Sam's Technology Resource, Sam's
Laser FAQ, as well as other material created by Filip Gieszczykiewicz or
Samuel M. Goldwasser. These documents and their associated graphics have
been developed over many years to provide a widely available and free
resource for non-commercial use by the Internet community. We
are Not for Profit. As a result, the FAQs are protected by USA
Copyright law to ensure that they remain free for fair use.
Use of any material from the FAQs in any way, shape, or form without
attribution is strictly prohibited no matter what the intent, even if free.
And not to put too fine a point on it in case this isn't obvious: This means
that it is totally illegal to incorporate *any* FAQ material in a product or
service (or advertising or promotional material for a product or service)
that is sold for profit without prior authorization - period.
In addition, placing FAQ material on a page with sponsored links as
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visitors to your Web site to boost traffic and advertising revenue
is also forbidden. Violation of any of these principles will not be tolerated
and legal action will be considered if a friendly reminder is not
adequate to correct the transgression.
Please note that translations of the FAQs are copyright by the original author
and the translation author(s) but they retain the original mission.
Material from others is in addition, copyright by the contributing authors.
Fair Use Guidelines
The following should be reasonably clear. However, if there are any
questions, please contact the appropriate copyright holder(s) via the
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Email Links Page.
Where an entire document or excerpt is copied to another Web site, note the
following requirements/restrictions:
- The entire section "About the Author and Copyright" MUST be
included when any sections are excerpted. That section MUST be
near the top of the excerpt and be visible in the hardcopy or printout.
- Documents or excerpts must NOT be altered in any way that affects
their meaning, explicit or implied. In particular, it is forbidden to
selectively extract sections in a way that might bias conclusions
with respect to a specific product, taking only the positives without
the negatives; or, only including links to specific vendors.
- There must be a header, as an HTML comment, at the top of each page
showing where the material originated.
- An active link to the original document and/or Table of Contents
MUST be provided. A link to "" is
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labeled as the source of the excerpt. Note: Regardless of where the
document originated, using "" in the link is
preferred as it is guaranteed to exist or will redirect to a valid Web site.
- The HTML markup "look and feel" Copyright © 1993-2021
by Filip Gieszczykiewicz and Sam Goldwasser should not be altered.
- Changes to font and color schemes are permitted to the extent required
to be consistent with other pages on the Web site.
- The entire section "Author and Copyright" MUST be included when any
section(s) are excerpted and MUST be visible in a hardcopy! A valid
link to the original document and/or Table of Contents MUST be provided.
It must show the entire URL so that someone can type it into a Web browser.
- Reproduction of the document in whole or in part is permitted
if the following conditions are satisfied:
- This [HTML Comment] notice is included in its entirety.
- The [Hardcopy] Copyright section is included in its entirety.
- There is no charge except to cover the costs of copying and
- Unless otherwise specified and not marked with (From xxxxxx), all
the text in the FAQs and contained on this site is Copyright © 1992-2021
by Filip M. Gieszczykiewicz
by Samuel M. Goldwasser
All rights reserved.
- Distribution through any means OTHER than regular Internet channels
and WWW servers must be by prior permission. Please contact the appropriate
copyright holder(s) via the
FAQ Email Links Page. This includes, but is not limited to: ftp
servers, private bulletin boards/discussion groups, and email list servers.
- In addition, only FREE distribution is permitted without special
- The removal of this notice is forbidden and a link to this message
MUST by preserved!
Back to Copyright Table of Contents.
-- end V1.04 --