Sam's Laser FAQ, Copyright © 1994-2021,
Samuel M. Goldwasser, All Rights Reserved.
I may be contacted via the
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ
Email Links Page.
Sam's Laser FAQ
Local Installation
Version 1.57
Reproduction of this document in whole or in part is permitted
if both of the following conditions are satisfied:
- This notice is included in its entirety at the beginning.
- There is no charge except to cover the costs of copying.
Table of Contents
This document outlines the installation procedure to create a local browser
accssible copy of Sam's Laser FAQ: Safety, Info, Links, Parts, Types,
Drive, Construction - A Practical Guide to Lasers for Experimenters and
Hobbyists. It consists of a set of HTML files and associated schematics,
diagrams, and photographs.
Note that Sam's Laser FAQ is constantly evolving. While having a local copy is
convenient and provides for fast access, you lose the benefit of always having
the very latest version at your fingertips. Keep this in mind before you go
to the installation effort only to find that your copy is out-of-date even
before all the bits have settled into place. :)
Important: Silicon Sam's Technology Resource (SSTR, does not
include Sam's Laser FAQ ( in its distribution. Therefore, Sam's
Laser FAQ must be loaded or updated separately even if you have installed SSTR.
The following assumes a first time install of Sam's Laser FAQ:
- See Home and Mirror Site Locations to identify
a site with a ZIPPED version of Sam's Laser FAQ.
- Download either into a new directory or into the same
directory as SSTR (or a new directory if you don't have SSTR) and decompress
it (unix unzip or DOS PKUNZIP):
- Extract all files: unzip (or PKUNZIP) laserfaq
- Extract selected files: unzip (or PKUNZIP) -x laserfaq file1 file2 ...
- Directory of laserfaq: unzip (or PKUNZIP) -v laserfaq
(Answer 'yes' or 'all' to any duplicate file queries.)
The file "laserfil.htm" contains a summary of all the HTML, photos,
diagrams, and schematics which constitute this release.
- To set up a remote link page to the Laser Equipment Gallery, create a
new directory (in the same directory that you just decompressed into) called
"laserpic" and move the file "laserpic.htm" to this new directory and also
make a copy of it there named "index.html". CAUTION: If you actually have
the Laser Equipment Gallery resident locally, then you DON'T need or want to
do this - but you should have figured that out by now!
- If Sam's Laser FAQ is not in the same directory as your Homepage
and/or SSTR, use a text editor to replace all instances of the strings
"index.html" and "sammenu.htm" in the files: "lasersam.htm" and "laserpic.htm"
with links to appropriate places.
- When "lasersam.htm" is accessed via a Web browser, everything may be viewed
directly. To bypass the Welcome Page, link to "laserfaq.htm" instead.
- Your browser needs to be configured properly to make sense of the many
ASCII diagrams, schematics, and tables. See the document:
Suggested Browser Settings for font and other
related information.
- The file "emaillnk.htm" contains a redirect to email links for the
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ authors (Sam and Fil), as well as the
general Feedback Form. Edit this file if the location of the email
contacts page should change in the future.
I routinely test all of this on Unix (Sun OS/Solaris), Linux (Redhat),
and Windows (Win98, WinME, Win2000, WinXP) using both Mozilla Firefox and
Internet Explorer. Please let me know if there are any problems.
Two sets of icons are included for linking to Sam's Laser FAQ from your own
Web pages (lasersam.gif and laserfaq.gif, 64 x 64 pixels) and from Windows
(lasersam.ico and laserfaq.ico, 32 x 32 pixels). (The fabulously detailed
graphics on laserfaq.gif and laserfaq.ico will even help you to remember how
to connect a helium-neon laser tube correctly!) For example:
- To create a link to Sam's Laser FAQ from an existing Web page, use a text
or HTML editor to add the following lines to it:
<li><a href="lasersam.htm">Sam's Laser FAQ</a> <a href="lasersam.htm">
<img WIDTH=64 HEIGHT=64 src="laserfaq.gif" alt="LASERFAQ" align=middle
border=0></a> - A Practical Guide to Lasers for Experimenters and
This will add the icon and create hot links to "Sam's Laser FAQ" as long as
it is in the same directory with an appearance similar to this:
- Sam's Laser FAQ
- A Practical Guide to Lasers for Experimenters and Hobbyists.
Edit as appropriate for your complete path if located elsewhere.
- If you are running Win95 or above (I don't know if this works for Win3.1x),
the .ico format icon files can be used when accessing Sam's Laser FAQ from a
folder or the desktop.
To add a link from the Windows desktop directly to the Sam's Laser FAQ Table
of Contents, surf over to your copy of "lasersam.htm" and press
and hold the left mouse button while dragging the local "Sam's Laser FAQ"
hot link to the desktop. (These are the ones just below the "Welcome"
heading and near the end of lasersam.htm.) Create a shortcut there and then
edit its properties to use the icon of your choice! (You can do the same
thing with any of the other hot links instead if you do not intend to
maintain a local copy of Sam's Laser FAQ.)
Back to Sam's Laser FAQ Install Table of Contents.
Go (back) to Home and Mirror Site Locations.
-- end V1.57 --
Sam's Laser FAQ, Copyright © 1994-2021,
Samuel M. Goldwasser, All Rights Reserved.
I may be contacted via the
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ
Email Links Page.