(Photos provided courtesy of: Curt Graber (cgraber@fwi.com).)
This laser is rated 7.5 watts with separate head and power supply. It may be an earlier version of the waveguide lasers below.
The 3800H is a very small and very simple DC-excited self-contained air-cooled waveguide CO2 laser dating from 1984. It has an all metal-ceramic tube about 10 inches in length but uses similar "brick" power supplies as the laser above.
The model 3802H had two tubes like the one in the 3800H joined end-to-end and 4 HV power supplies. This version also has active temperature control and a wavelength tuner. The "Dither Synthesizer" could be attached both the 3800H and 3802H to allow for automatic wavelength stabilization.
(Photos provided courtesy of: Richard Migliaccio (http://www.ecotechnologies.biz).)