This is a very rare laser with absolutely no documentation available that I'm aware of. It doesn't appear to have any of the requirements for a HeCd laser - no He reservoir, no fancy control loops, no protection for the mirrors. It may have had an expected life of only a few hours. It's not clear how many of these were ever sold, but it's probably not many. One of the circuit boards is obviously prototype.
This sample has an intact tube, though it's nearly up to air with a purple discharge using a Tesla coil. It originally had a wiring harness rather than the AC cord and required an external 12 VDC power supply required to operate the interlock relay. I do not know if the wiring harness was original or a user modification. So, the AC cord I installed (not connected internally!) may not be authentic. :)
Any attempt to repair this laser (even if the tube were good or a new one could be found during a time travel vacation) would be extremely difficult due to the way it's put together - extruded case with the PCBs slid into grooves like other Metrologic lasers. When I powered the relay and attempted to power the laser, the tube filament did light up, but then something either arced or exploded on one of the circuit boards. That's as far as I have any interest in going. ;-)
There is more information on HeCd lasers in Sam's Laser FAQ in the chapter: Helium-Cadmium Lasers.