This is an early version of the LSI sealed tube pulsed nitrogen laser with a manufacturing date of 1987. It runs on 12 VDC (3.5 A max) with two potted high voltage power supplies, one for the main energy storage capacitors inside the sealed plasma cartridge, and the other for the thyratron that drives the triggered spark gap inside the plasma cartridge.
This laser also has an adjustable rear mirror, absent on similar newer small pulsed N2 lasers. There's also another adjustable optic in front of the tube.
There are no pics of the laser clothed because (1) the cover is just plain sheet metal, (2) it was somewhat abused with the labeling almost totally obliterated, and (3) I would have had to replace too many screws to button it up. :)
There is much more information on nitrogen lasers including descriptions and photos of later LSI N2 lasers in Sam's Laser FAQ in the chapter: Home-Built Nitrogen (N2) Laser.